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문장 해석좀 부탁드릴께요^^

scott 2006.04.13 21:26 read.4964 vote.25

    Exercise does take some time. However, that's an awfully small price to pay if we want to spend less time in the hospital.  It's also a small price to pay if you consider how much mental energy it takes to be annoyed and bothered by day-to-day things.

  이문장 해석좀 부탁드릴께요..
  마지막 문장에 있는 if 절에서 it takes to be --- 이 부분이 해석이 잘 안되네요 그리고 여기서 it 이 가리키는게 무엇인지도 설명 부탁드릴께요..